The first short predisposition test of the year for dressage and show jumping stallions of the 2021 crop came to an end in Vechta. Particularly convincing among the dressage aspirants: once again a son of Escolar!
With a weighted final score of 8.89, the Oldenburg stallion by Escolar – Fürst Heinrich – Figaro, who has since been christened Esquire, shone over the two days in Vechta both under his trainer Eva Möller and later in the external rider test. Typical of Escolar’s offspring, he not only showed himself with three balanced good to very good basic gaits (trot 8.5, canter 8.8, walk 8.7), but above all with the best rideability (9.3) and conformation scores (willingness to perform: 9.0).
Esquire is no stranger to the sport. In 2024, the typey Escolar son bred by Maria-Antonia Burczyk in Lienen was the celebrated reserve champion at the Oldenburg main licensing. Even on this occasion, Esquire’s springy movement with great tact and body stability stood out, as breeding director Bernhard Thoben emphasized. “He will certainly show us that under saddle too,” predicted Thoben at the time. He was proved right, as we could now see in Vechta.
The judges Peter Olsson and Klaus Storbeck raved: “A stallion who presented himself as a complete horse in all areas.” Attributes such as “well-swinging back”, “powerful”, “always secure in time”, “equipped with enormous scope”, “good mouth” and “secure balance” speak for themselves.
We congratulate the breeder, the trainer and the owners, the Owerko-Iwicka family, who bought the talented youngster of our Escolar for 400,000 Euros at the auction after the licensing. Conclusion: Escolar’s children deliver what their sire promises!