Many visitors of the Bundeschampionat who had been looking forward to the final of the four-year-old riding pony stallions might have been surprised: Shortly before his start we decided not to present our pony stallion Gold Garant.
Gold Garant’s rider Danica Duen had already told us after the final qualification that the four-year-old stallion had felt tired and had remained below his capabilities. Nevertheless, he had taken second place in this first test in Warendorf with a score of 8.7 – among them were individual scores such as 9.5 for walk and 9.0 for trot.
Shortly after Danica had started the warm-up for the final on Sunday in the saddle of Gold Garant, she asked us to decide together with her whether the stallion should be presented. She told us that he felt out of round. The joint decision was quickly made: Danica Duen and Sandra Schürner asked the responsible chief steward at the warm-up arena to remove the stallion from the start list, and thus waived a start in the final to protect the pony.
We sincerely understand the disappointment of many spectators and breeders who were looking forward to Gold Garant’s start in the final. However, we felt compelled to act in his best interest. Gold Garant has had a highly successful season, which he crowned with the title of Westfalen Champion. He was also in great demand as a breeder. So together we made a decision in his best interest.
“Gold Garant is an exceptional pony stallion who has convinced with equally exceptional performances in the past months,” says his rider Danica Duen. “But in Warendorf he did not find his way into the show well. For such a start, all conditions have to be right, and so we decided ‘Pro Horse’ in order not to overstrain him.” He is now being checked by a veterinarian and osteopath in order to restore his well-being immediately.
The stallion station Gut Neuenhof is characterised by well thought-out, long-term successful horse breeding. We also live this philosophy in the management of our stallions. We therefore ask for your understanding for our decision, which we have made entirely in the interest of this special pony stallion.