The colours of our stallion station will be worthily represented again this year with 2 colts and 3 fillies of our flagship Escolar. The following foals could qualify for Lienen and will start their journey to the breeding, riding and driving club Lienen:
Escolar x Vitalis, colt, born 29.05., breeder: Rhenania Pferde GmbH
Escolar x Desperados, colt, born 13.05., breeder: Silke Waering
Escolar x De Niro, filly, born 16.05., breeder: Jill Miletzko-Vekens
Escolar x Apollo, filly, born 24.04., breeder: Frederik Vekens
Escolar x Fürstenball, filly, born 19.04., breeder: Susanne Scharf-Krüger
With 6 colts and 5 fillies, Gold Garant represents the largest contingent among the German Riding Ponies. The winning stallion of the Westphalian licensing 2021 presents a brilliant first crop this year with several champion foals and high-priced auction foals. The following foals by Gold Garant will advertise their sire and the breeding station of their breeders:
Gold Garant x Classic Dancer, colt, born 07.06., breeder: Kathy Wittler
Gold Garant x Gründleinshof San Royal, colt, born 01.05., breeder: Cordula Kaus
Gold Garant x D-Day AT, colt, born 21.04., breeder: Melanie Schütz
Gold Garant x Halifax, colt, born 19.04., breeder: Jantje Carlsen
Gold Garant x Steendieks FS Dali, colt, born 12.04., breeder: Andreas Nagel
Gold Garant x Devino G, colt, born 07.04., breeder: Miriam Wemken
Gold Garant x Nemax, filly, born. 21.04., Breeder: Dean Mihaljev
Gold Garant x FS Mr. Right, filly, born. 19.04., Breeder: Sina Delker
Gold Garant x D-Day AT, filly, born. 15.04., Breeder: Michaela Stockhammer
Gold Garant x Almonte N, filly, born. 21.03., Breeder: Heidi Schurek
Gold Garant x Golden West, filly, born. 04.03., Breeder: Heidi Schurek
The dressage colts of the riding horses and the colts and fillies of the riding ponies will perform on Saturday from 13:00. The dressage riding horse fillies and the championship candidates will perform on Sunday from 12:30 pm.
We wish all exhibitors a good journey and much success with their exceptional foals. Our fingers are crossed!